ELA Founder Honored as Antioch University Seattle Distinguished Alumni

my Antioch AWARD CAKE 2013

As part of the annual commencement, Pamela Sackett was celebrated as the Antioch University Seattle Distinguished Alumna of 2013. The ceremonies were held at the Westin Hotel in downtown Seattle Sunday, June 23. The award is bestowed once a year to an individual who brings “distinction to Antioch by making a significant contribution to their professional field or to the community.”


Buy A Book, Support ELA at Barnes & Noble Bookfair

ELA has partnered with Barnes & Noble to promote both traditional and emotion literacy. Books you buy at the downtown Seattle store or online between Friday, April 26, and Saturday, May 4, can help support ELA. Before visiting the store, just print this PDF document for a voucher and present it with your purchase. Online, buy your books as usual and in the Payment section of checkout, scroll to the bottom, check the ‘Bookfair Order’ box and enter Bookfair ID number 11053337. A portion of your purchase will be donated to ELA.

ELA Hosts Table at Education Resources & Job Fair

Thanks to a generous grant from The Windermere Foundation, ELA had the privilege of hosting a table at the Education Resources and Job Fair on August 11, 2012. ELA gave 200 musical learning tools as gifts to children and low-income families—The Full Spectrum Birthday Song CD and The Ducks & Us Song CD and study guide—along with ELA’s literature: Emotion Literate’s Proclamation and 5 Ways of Thinking Favorably About Feelings.

ELA successfully participated in earlier versions of this same event in 2007 and 2008 (see news items and pictures below) thanks to grants from the Windermere Foundation. The event has grown and developed to not only assist families to prepare their children for school, but also to provide head-of-households and job seekers with access to employers. “Work It Out Seattle” produces this wonderful event, coordinating social service tables to for 2000+ children, youth and families this year. ELA can attest to the high attendance. Children and parents crowded the ELA table for hours with interest and curiosity about ELA’s work.

The Ducks & Us Songbook Movie Selected for Film Festival

Salish Sea Ecosystem Film Festival 2011 logoThe Ducks & Us Songbook Movie has been officially selected to participate in The 2011 Salish Sea Ecosystem Film Festival. The festival “showcases the best and most recent films, videos and multi-media presentations about regional habitats and inhabitants of the Salish Sea.”

The festival is part of the 2011 Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, the largest, most comprehensive scientific research and policy conference in the region, co-hosted by Environment Canada and the Puget Sound Partnership, presenting the latest scientific research on the state of the ecosystem.

ELA Partners with Distributor

ELA has entered an exclusive partnership with Chip Taylor Communications (CTC) to distribute The Ducks & Us in both its animated and music-only formats. CTC represents a wide array of high-quality media to educators and broadcasters.

ELA is enthusiastic to be able to offer our unique perspective to a wider audience in formats and packages that would otherwise be beyond our reach. Check out The Ducks & Us on the CTC web site and order!

ELA Now Connecting on Facebook

Emotion Literacy Advocates joined the social media movement with a new page on Facebook. We plan to post news, interesting quotes and ELA happenings, so if you’re on Facebook and would like to keep up with ELA, “like” our page and our posts will show up on your news page. We pay attention to and welcome your comments!

T-shirts Support ELA In (ELA) Style

Its All True
Art for t-shirt by Nathan Gregory in collaboration with ELA

ELA opened a virtual t-shirt shop on the web*, using the Skreened.com on-demand service. Anyone can now support ELA, its programs, and most importantly, its ideas, by buying a t-shirt.

ELA chose Skreened.com because of its environmental and business practices, namely its use of ethically sourced t-shirts, low-waste on-demand production and the availability of organically grown fabric.

*Update: we are no longer co-producing t-shirts for ELA. The magnificent art, above, by Nathan Gregory lives on in ELA’s Multi-Arts Curriculum.

Elkins, WV, To Use The Ducks & Us Songbook Movie

Friendly, well-meaning neighbors and wildlife can make for a sour cocktail, as Barbara Nash of Elkins, West Virginia, discovered. She thought the ducks in her yard were cute when she moved there in 2006. Since then, the population of nesting ducks has ballooned, with neighbors frequently venturing onto her property to watch and share human food. The ducks stay all winter and prevent her from maintaining a garden or a manicured yard.

Ms. Nash petitioned her city council, leading to action by a city council member and the USDA Wildlife Services. Forty-nine ducks were euthanized by USDA Wildlife Services in May, 2010, in spite of a petition with 1000 signatures to leave the ducks alone.

There is a lasting solution, however: education. If the ducks were not lured from their natural river habitat by the promise of human-food handouts, then they may return to their normal population levels and migration patterns. The potential for disease and pollution could be minimized or avoided all together. And Ms. Nash might well get her yard back.

The mayor of Elkins found out about The Ducks & Us Songbook Movie, and plans to use it in a city-supported education campaign. “We’re pro-active advocates of education, art and consensus building, ” said Elkins mayor Duke Talbott in a phone call. After hearing a description of the movie’s human-inclusive narrative aimed at social change through better understanding of the needs of people and wildlife, Talbott said “We want to accomplish exactly those goals.”

For further detail: