Emotion Literacy Advocates (ELA) has had many exciting developments since we produced The Ducks & Us Songbook Movie, including a sequence of bookings on sixteen cinema screens, an award from the Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs, in support of a four-month Washington state tour and an in-kind contribution of services from Deluxe in Los Angeles which means we were able to provide 35mm prints to each partnering movie house!

According to Still Hope Productions founder John F. Williams, fellow film-maker and festival attendee, The Ducks & Us Songbook Movie was the festival darling inspiring laughter and a large amount of applause.
Let’s hear it for our participating ducks, humans and our contributing artists:

The latest ELA news flash:
The Ducks & Us Songbook Movie can now be found at The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences & UCLA film archives!
More info can be found right here on this blog about The Academy & UCLA film archives, along with the newsy flow of events for this musical movie learning tool here.
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